Illustration with a tree with snow on the ground and snow falling. Text reads "Holdiday Shopping 2015 Web Performance Report". Lettering is cutout showing a shopping mall in the background.AlertBot recently featured a 2015 Black Friday ecommerce web performance report, offering an inside look into online retail website performance over Black Friday weekend this year.

The report examined several sites that had experienced minor to substantial down times over the course of Friday thru Sunday, including and Our report, however, did not take into account Cyber Monday or the sales-heavy weeks that have followed.

On Cyber Monday, Neiman Marcus seemed to right the ship, while only a few sites appeared to experience no more than about 10-minute failures–including and Staples–with Gap’s site registering 19 minutes of being unresponsive.

Throughout this month of December, Staples has continued to struggle with short outages; Walmart experienced some brief HTTP errors; while Footlocker, PC Mall, Crate & Barrel and Peapod all experienced just a couple few-minute hiccups (which in some cases could simply just be sluggish load times).

With online sales outperforming brick and mortar sales this Black Friday for the first time, it’s imperative now more than ever to make sure your site stays up and working, error-free. Sign up for a free 14-day trial with today and start working towards a more successful ecommerce site!

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